Positive Routines - Neya Living

Positive Routines

Hey Treasure's!

Welcome to our brand and thank you so much for stopping by. As part of our ethos we want to share useful tips and practices that benefit your self-love and wellbeing overall. 

This month's digest is all about Healthy Habits & Routines. 

How do we create healthy habits? Well this looks different to everyone and needs to feel right for you. A few ways to help you identify your healthy habits and routines is asking your self these questions:

  • What brings me joy?
  • What are my current mental blocks/barriers?
  • Do I create enough space for me?
  • What is something I enjoy that is good for my 1. Mind, 2. Body, and 3. Soul

    Hopefully asking yourself these questions will generate some key themes and interests you have, this will make it easier to create habits and routines you'll stick to. 

    Here are some of our suggestions for Healthy Habits and Routines

    🙅‍♀️ Create Boundaries

    The best way to create an environment that your well-being can thrive in, is creating boundaries. This can be tricky and sometimes feel selfish but remember you can’t pour from an empty cup. 

    🧘‍♀️ Exercise Your Body

    Exercising has many benefits both mentally and physically. 

    Start off by choosing a form of exercise you enjoy that could be; gym, yoga, walking, running, boxercise, trampolining the list is endless. 

    When you workout your body releases feel good hormones such as endorphins and dopamine. 

    🧠 Challenge Your Mind

    Challenging your mind and learning shouldn’t stop when you finish education. Try challenging your mind with meditation, reading or learning a new skill.

    🔇 Minimise the Noise

    Ask yourself, can you simplify your current routine to ease the pressure on yourself? 

    🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Identify Your Support Bubble

    When times are tough or you feel overwhelmed this is the perfect time to call upon your support bubble whether that be friends, family, therapist or work colleagues. 

    Identifying a circle of love ones where you feel safe can be a huge support during hard times. 

    We hope you enjoyed this months digest.

    Love your virtual community @ NEYA Treasure xo

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